Monday, June 21, 2010

Operation: Get Skinny?!?!

It seems that I forgot the theme and title of my own blog. I have been obsessing over “Operation: Get Skinny” when that wasn’t even the focus. In an effort to take a break from my usual rants about life in the fat lane, I’d like to take it down a notch and focus on some other avenues of hotness. I swear, all my complaining and body image issues, some days I’m no better than Heidi Montag! Okay, so maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but you get my point.

Anyway, I am absolutely refusing to buy clothes in whatever size I am. That makes dressing a terribly difficult chore. I typically end up in some sort of maternity clothes and too small,old clothes combo. I am so torn about whether this is the right approach or not. I feel like if I got like a little bit to wear that looked nice on me in my current body, I would feel prettier, hold my head higher and not have a near breakdown every time I get dressed. On the other hand, spending money on clothes I don’t plan on wearing much longer seems like admitting defeat. I feel like I would be congratulation myself for being where I don’t want to be. I am scared of acceptance. All my life I have felt girls and women should embrace their bodies as they are. Yet, all I want to do is change my own body. How very confusing!

In other efforts, I have finally got around to putting a little focus on my nails. Saturday I took the time to totally do my fingers and toes. I hate to wear open-toed shoes without my toes done. Now my feet are soft and smooth with a pretty orange-red polish.

Right now I am using Crest WhiteStrips. They seem to work really well on my teeth and brighten my smile in a short amount of time. Who can’t appreciate that?!? I am absolutely dying to go tanning. I can’t lie. I love how I feel after a 20 minute nap under the UV. Aside from the sunny glow on my skin, I notice an improvement in my complexion. It improves any acne I have and the bumps on the backs of my arms (keratosis pilaris). Unfortunately, I’m not as short-sighted or invincible as I once was. Now I am too scared of possible sun spots, wrinkles and skin cancer to go back to my old ways. I realize that spray tans are supposed to be the answer, but I am rather wary of them as well. I just don’t get how coating oneself in who knows what can be good for you. I should research it more, but until then, I guess I am stuck being almost as pale as my husband and daughter.